Searching in Rails app with Ransack

Beginners guide In previous articles we have covered beginner guides for debugging ruby on rails application, in this post we shall cover searching and sorting in the rails app with ransack library. After reading this article you would realise that adding Ransack gem to your MVC- model and view controller application and you’re all set […]

Beginners’ Guide To Pry Gem For Debugging RoR Applications

In the previous post, we enjoyed playing around with Byebug, The de-facto debugger for Ruby on Rails Rails. This post for Beginners’ Guide To Pry Gem For Debugging RoR Applications, will dwell on another debugging technique of debugging ruby on rails applications. Before getting into pry, As we know REPL, REPL stands for Read-Eval-Print-Loop. It’s […]

How to Backup PostgreSQL Data From Files

This article is about how to make backup of a database from filesystem in PostgreSQL. Also provides details on how to make and restore the database from filesystem. If you have come across case where you are required to start ‘psql’ database from filesystem backup. There might be case that some of Ubuntu files crashed […]

Install Redmine On AWS Server Using CLI

We are trying to install redmine on AWS server using CLI – command line. This step by step guide will help you to setup. There is docker file available on AWS markatepalce . This redmine was installed on other AWS instance running Ubuntu. But with this user is getting error while downloading attachments. User is […]

MySqldump Failed on AWS Server

Taking Database Backup We are using AWS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server and Latest MySql . We are trying to migrate databse to new server using mysqldump . We have tried to take the backup of existing databse but it thrown a error messege. This happen because , in never version of mysql (>=8.0) It requires […]